Bohemian Rhapsody.

Bohemian Rhapsody is just not a good movie, no matter what the Hollywood Foreign Press wants to tell you, and it’s hardly a surprise given the movie’s tortuous route to the screen, with multiple writers, a director dismissed from the project due to harassment allegations, and the three living members of Queen holding veto power over portions of the script. The film tries to tell the story of the band Queen and the story of Freddie Mercury, either of which would have filled an entire two hours on its own, and then somehow devolves into the (inaccurate) story of how the band ended up staging the best show at Live Aid, which, had they committed to it from the start, would have been a better movie than this pablum.

Queen were worldwide rock stars for more than fifteen years, from when Freddie Mercury, who was born Farrokh Bulsara to Parsi parents in Zanzibar, joined the band in 1971 until his death from AIDS-related pneumonia in 1991. Mercury was a flamboyant personality who dressed in androgynous fashion and had an electric stage presence as well as a potent voice with a four-octave range, and was the subject of longstanding rumors about his sexual orientation (at a time of rampant homophobia) and, later, about his health (when fear of AIDS was a polite form of homophobia). He had a difficult and, by some accounts, unhappy personal life, with his twenty-year friendship with Mary Austin, to whom he was once engaged, one of the few highlights, with him calling her his “only friend” in a 1985 documentary.

Bohemian Rhapsody glosses over most of the important stuff and tells a sanitized linear story that is light on the facts but avoids painting any of the three surviving band members in any sort of negative light, and presents a two-dimensional portrait of Mercury that makes him by turns pathetic and bland. You can find plenty of breakdowns of the film’s loose relationship with the truth, but that’s hardly its biggest flaw. This is a bunch of well-shot concert scenes stitched together by snippets of dull back story, most of which shows the band making music (not really great cinema, gents) or the three musicians getting mad at Freddy for being late. Much of the first 110 minutes seems to be prologue for the Live Aid scene, which the film attempts to re-create shot for shot, and which is undoubtedly the best part of the film – indeed, had they just shown me those 20 minutes, and skipped everything that came before, I would have been far more satisfied with the experience. (Also, there was popcorn.)

Much of the writing in Bohemian Rhapsody is just plain lazy. The band didn’t break up before Live Aid, but the script has them do so to raise the stakes for the show as a reunion and give us a rather silly scene in their lawyer’s office. There’s a Wayne’s World reference that is groan-worthy and lazy AF, and of course it features Mike Myers in a bit of stunt-casting as a record executive who never existed. There are speeches and soliloquys galore, most of which I have to assume never happened because they’re so ridiculous. There’s a Rasputin-like character Paul, who was a real person, but is exaggerated to be the bad guy who drives the wedge between Freddie and the band and is dispensed with once his role as the villain is done. (He’s played by Allen Leach, so the whole time I’m thinking, that’s Branson with a porn stache.)

The movie’s worst sin is how it straightwashes so much of Mercury’s sexuality and, eventually, how he was sick for the last five years of his life and died of AIDS-related pneumonia. The movie shows him telling his bandmates “I’ve got it,” referring to the disease, before Live Aid, but all accounts have him unaware he was sick until at least a full year later, and he didn’t tell the other members of Queen until 1989. It depicts Mary Austin as his only female lover, which isn’t accurate, and then has her largely out of his life between the end of their engagement and the run-up to Live Aid, which also isn’t accurate – she worked for his private music publishing company. (Apparently the scene where he confesses he thinks he’s bisexual and she responds by saying she thinks he’s gay is accurate, at least according to Austin.) Mercury came off in many interviews as unhappy, and exploring why – perhaps as the gay son of a Zoroastrian couple, whom he never told about his orientation, who was self-conscious about his appearance and ethnicity as well, he had issues with identity and self-acceptance. The film just doesn’t bother with this material.

Rami Malek won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama for this performance, which is a good effort but ultimately, like so much in the film, an extended impersonation because the character is so underdeveloped. Still, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences voters love impersonations too – they gave Gary Oldman the same fucking award last year for doing nothing more than donning a fat suit and mumbling his way through Darkest Hour — and it wouldn’t surprise me to see Malek get the same here, although if he defeats Bradley Cooper, Christian Bale, and Ethan Hawke it would be a damn shame, to say nothing of Stephan James or Joaquin Phoenix, neither of whom is likely to even get a nomination. As for Best Picture, I suppose anything is possible, but even considering the Academy’s disdain for foreign films in that category, I could give you two dozen better American films from 2018 without much effort. Giving this a nod over First Man, which is right behind it on Gold Derby’s odds page, would be criminal. It’s barely worth your time if you love Queen’s music, and you have to sit through so much nonsense to get to that stuff I wouldn’t even suggest you waste the gas money.


  1. Keith, I’m pretty sure that Freddie’s fam wasn’t Muslim–they were Zoroastrians.

  2. Well I stand by my previous statement: if you want a lightweight tribute to Queen’s being awesome that feels half like a music video, it’s perfectly fine. It’s only a problem if you want an actual, y’know, biography. Only the retconning of his illness and Live Aid really bugged me.

    Of course, if anyone missed it on the big screen, there’s not much point to watching it now. Why stream it instead of just watching the actual Live Aid performance?

  3. I love your baseball analysis for ESPN, but I respectfully disagree about Bohemian Rhapsody. I agree the movie is problematic and could have been better, but it is also quite enjoyable and even moving at times. I do think First Man is better, but I think Rami Malek deserves serious Oscar consideration (which he might just win after Christian Bale went and thanked Satan in his Golden Globes speech for winning for Vice.) Also, I loved Gary Oldman in Darkest Hour, but to each his own.

    • Bale’s Satan joke will not cost him the Oscar. He may not win, but the Satan joke won’t be the reason why he doesn’t.

    • I thought comparing Cheney (and/or McConnell) to Satan might help Bale’s chances. I’d still prefer to see Cooper win that one out of those three.

  4. Nostalgia is a powerful drug & marketing tool

  5. My wife and I have been watching this movie in chunks over the past 3 nights (which tells you how scintillating it is). I know I shouldn’t expect much from Golden Globes winners, but we’re shocked at how amateurish it is. Threadbare characters, lackadaisical scenes, wimpy conflicts. And I know biopics must, by necessity, play fast and loose with the facts, but I love how the movie cuts from 1975 to 1980, then Queen writes “We Will Rock You” (released in 1977), then plays Madison Square Garden (also 1977), then after the concert their manager says Michael Jackson sells 4% of all the albums in the world (two years before Off the Wall and five years before Thriller).

    • I couldn’t even begin to get into the historical inaccuracies here beyond the few that really skew the plot. The fake breakup bit allows them to gloss over declining sales and popularity for the two albums between The Game and Live Aid, which I imagine May and Taylor weren’t keen to recall.

    • Oh I actually rather enjoyed the press conference scene for one of those bad albums. A female reporter questions Mercury about the lyrics of a song that was a John Lennon tribute, only they don’t even bother to mention that it was a John Lennon tribute. Probably because it was a bad John Lennon tribute.

  6. I’m always wary of any sort of biopic where the subjects are also producers of the film. Kind of had the same reaction to Straight Outta Compton, though I enjoyed that one for the most part. But you always get the feeling that you’re not getting the real, full story, and there are almost certainly some bad parts of their history that are being glossed over.

  7. Stick to baseball Keith, you will be a happier man. You spend a lot of time being angry, or raging at things these days. Turn off the news, play guitar, and accept the nation will survive this President. Just like it survived everyone before him. It’s “ different this time”, like it was “different this time”- the last time.
    The movie was entertaining. People who knew little about these guys and the difficultly in being gay 30 years ago concerning the media and fans, got a little insight. They played fast and loose with the truth- common practice these days. This was in the name of entertainment, and if it drew some interest to the subject of the story, so much the better. Or go smash your Queen music and boycott something.

    • Steve: I’m not angry; that’s just in your head. This was a bad movie.

      And only a complete asshole tells someone else to “stick to X,” so please leave and never return.

    • Would it make me a complete asshole to tell Keith to “stick to X” where X = writing what the hell you want to write when you want to write it? I disagree with a lot of what you say, but you say it well and support what you say (except quick hits on twitter, not designed for argumentative support of course.) My only request would be if you could get your employer to make your ESPN writing available without Insider after the passage of a number of years – going back to read prospect & draft reports when ~five years has passed would make for interesting information about what was seen correctly, what changed, and what was missed.

      For what its worth, I saw BR with my 21 year old daughter. She is both a lesbian and a Queen fan – the latter started when Bicycle came on the car radio when I was driving her to some after-school activity a decade back. She enjoyed the movie and didn’t feel that it gave Mercury’s orientation short shrift.